Published 10 November 2021 - in General


Generating powerful business impact with a tech-savvy work force.


It’s been said and written a thousand times; a company is only worth as much as its human value represents, and people are truly an appreciating asset to the business.


We can find that today’s business roles are changing continually, and specific activities within those roles too. For a company, the ability to have a fluid approach to current roles, to embrace upskilling, cross-skilling and retraining is pivotal to the future well-being of any business.


It is no surprise to anyone that our world is increasingly digital. A further step down the digital road, over and above having the right people in the right roles, is to design the structure of new technology systems, and a dedicated CTO with a clear and defined technology strategy and the ability to deliver on that strategy on schedule.


So, let us focus on this Chief Technology Officer role. The role was initially created in the 80s when the role was specifically within the information technology industry and the computer (and later internet) industries. Today CTOs are essential figures required to shape and navigate organizations’ journeys. Together the CTO and the tech strategy will be a key driver of companies’ success.


One of our repetitive theme is the absolute necessity to match exactly the right people with the right roles, yet also the difficulty many businesses will face in doing just that. Businesses are faced with the dual problem of correctly identifying the exact nature of their true needs and a potential lack of talent within their local availability. So how exactly does a business overcome those problems?


Uncover the insights, download the latest White Paper.

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