Published 8 October 2023 - in General


Building a Gi Group Holding company culture for our employees in China.

在这篇文章中,来自杰艾控股大中华区的两位人力资源经理,Carry ZhuTina Wu,为大家讲述了当地市场如何看待企业的工作文化,以及她们的团队如何为希望改变生活的员工建立一个包容、鼓舞人心的空间。

In this article, Gi Group Holding team members Carry Zhu and Tina Wu, HR Managers from our offices in China, address how the local market views businesses’ work culture and the specific efforts their team is making to build an inclusive, inspiring space for employees who wish to change lives. 


The Chinese market has a number of specificities that many businesses outside the country, or who are taking their first steps at opening representative offices in the country, might not be familiar with. In many cases, international businesses’ representative offices work with agency services to make hires and manage recruitment processes. This indirect model can sometimes make it more difficult to develop and form initial bonds with employees and help them connect and align with a company’s culture. This connection, however, is something that is very important to companies in today’s economy. That is why, at Gi Group Holding (similar to other businesses), we put extra effort into helping new hires understand our company’s mission and vision and align themselves with our specific business goals.

杰艾人力中国区人力资源经理Carry Zhu解释道:“对我们的员工来说,企业文化代表着企业的灵魂。它是可持续发展背后的驱动力,同样也帮助我们的团队在他们的工作中找到对个人更有意义的价值和目标。这种与目的和意义的联系激励他们去完成和实现公司的战略目标。

Carry Zhu – HR Manager at Gi Group & Gi BPO China, explains, “For our employees, the company culture represents the soul of the business. It is the driving force behind sustainable development and likewise helps our teams find personally meaningful value and purpose in their work. This connection to purpose and meaning motivates them to fulfil and achieve the company’s strategic goals.”

与其他国家的市场一样,中国的企业也明白投入时间打造强大的企业形象和组织文化的重要性。这样能使员工团队更有凝聚力,促进更好地合作,也能创造出强大的团队精神。“一个令人愉快和有意义的企业文化不仅对公司内部有益,而且也为可能希望为我们公司工作的潜在求职者创造了一张很好的名片。我们认为,如果有人有意向来杰艾控股工作进而打听公司的情况,我们的企业文化——它的优势和对员工技能发展的深度关注——是对他们的一个良好激励,能使他们感受到我们紧密协作的团队和那些乐于开展业务的团队的鼓舞。在某种程度上,我们为建立高质量的企业文化所做的长期努力是具有传染力的。我们的客户也越来越希望与我们合作,因为他们看到了我们以人为本的理念,也看到了员工在我们公司工作有多快乐。”纬择中国的人力资源经理Tina Wu指出。

As with other markets, Chinese businesses understand the importance of investing time into building a strong corporate identity and organisational culture. They believe that it makes employee teams more cohesive, fosters collaboration and creates a strong team spirit. “A visibly enjoyable and meaningful company culture is not only beneficial for the business internally, it also creates an excellent calling card for potential job candidates who might wish to work for our company. We see that our organisational culture – its strength and deep focus on people’s skills development – serves as a good incentive for individuals to enquire about work with Gi Group Holding. They are inspired by our tight-knit teams and those groups’ readiness to do business. In some ways, our long-term efforts to build a quality company culture is contagious. Our clients increasingly want to work with us because they see our people-first focus and also how much employees enjoy their jobs in our company,” points out Tina Wu – HR Manager at Wyser China.


Similar to businesses around the globe, Gi Group Holding China is also navigating its way in a constantly volatile and uncertain global market. The company’s teams have had to look at the organisation’s culture from the perspective of employee needs. Company team members, like their peers in other markets, wish to advance in their careers and invest in personal development. They are likewise faced with opportunities in peripheral markets and external temptation in the form of work offers from other companies. In addressing how to build and articulate an overall organisational culture, businesses need to consider how the principles that make up this philosophy match the personal interests of employees and also job candidates. If conflicts or mismatches arise, then company management teams and HR directors need to consider plans for rectifying potentially problematic situations.

在杰艾控股大中华区,我们非常关注并强调开放的沟通。在招聘和培训候选人的初期,我们就会解释并分享企业文化和理念细节。这是为了让应聘者提前对我们公司有一个很好的了解,并且可以清晰地看到我们所呈现的信念、使命和愿景是否与他们自己的个人观念和期望相一致。另一方面,这些沟通也让我们有机会描绘出公司的形象,以及它是如何在文化方面运作的。员工事先就知道他们要做什么,在加入公司后,我们会开始一个充实的入职流程,包含着重要的培训课程。Carry Zhu补充道。

“At Gi Group Holding China, we focus on and emphasise open communications. From the very start, when hiring and onboarding candidates, we explain and share details about the company culture and philosophy. This is so candidates have a good understanding in advance and can easily see if our beliefs, mission and vision as presented are consistent with their own personal philosophy and expectations. On the other hand, these discussions afford us the chance to paint an image of the company and how it operates culture-wise. Employees know up front what they are getting into, and after joining the company, we embark on an intensive onboarding process, full of important training sessions,” adds Carry Zhu.


The Gi Group Holding team focuses its employee training efforts, in this case, on helping new hires understand the company culture in practice. They see how our business operates based on a unified set of standards in offices all over the world, and China is one of them. Training programmes, as they advance, address processes for how employees execute on their daily work and focus on people development. All newly-onboarded hires then pass through a probationary period which culminates in an assessment process: first, a self-assessment, then after that reviews and discussions with our local HR and employment departments. Truly-aligned hires quickly understand the importance of the unified values system at Gi Group Holding and immediately see, through their work activities, the tangible impacts of these common values as a guiding force.


Long-term efforts to build a sustainable company culture

在杰艾控股大中华区的办公室里,团队使用许多工具建立员工之间,以及员工与管理团队之间的关系。其中一些工具是全球通用的,而另一些则是针对中国市场的。“例如,参加活动和会议对我们当地的团队来说非常重要。这是建立有凝聚力和协作力的团队、提高员工幸福感的最有效方法之一。这些活动可以使每个人更好地了解彼此和公司,缩小同事之间潜在的工作和社交距离,从而使组织中的每个人都受益。员工也可以在日常工作中积极合作,找到分担工作责任的方法,并提高整体绩效和工作效率。Tina Wu说道。除了会议和各种面对面的交流之外,杰艾控股大中华区团队还通过进一步的培训项目、电子邮件公告、小组会议、网络媒体和公共社交平台以及各种小组或团队活动来分享和倡导公司的使命和愿景。领导团队利用所有这些工具,帮助我们的员工在日常工作生活中始终如一地体现和影响公司的价值观和文化。

In our Gi Group Holding China offices, our teams have access to a number of tools to build relationships between employees and also among workers and their management teams. Some of these tools are commonly used worldwide, while others are more specific to the Chinese market. “Participating in activities and conventions, for example, is important for our local teams. This is one of the most effective ways to establish cohesive, collaborative teams and to enhance employee happiness. These activities give everyone a better understanding of each other and the company. This narrows any potential work-social distances between colleagues, which then benefits everyone in the organisation. Employees can actively cooperate on their daily work and find ways to share job responsibilities and improve overall performance and work efficiency,” notes Tina Wu. Beyond conventions and various types of face-to-face encounters, the Gi Group Holding China teams shares and advocates for the company’s mission and vision through further training programmes, via email bulletins, in group meetings, through online media and public social platforms, and via various group or team activities. Leadership teams leverage all these tools to help our employees consistently embody and make impact through living the company’s values and culture in their daily work lives.


Future prospects: creating a work culture that resonates with younger generations and the community

许多劳动力市场测评认为,Z世代更以价值观或目标为导向,即更倾向于在职业生涯中取得有意义的成就。在寻找潜在雇主并决定留在某家公司时,他们会考虑例如更健康、更可持续的经济、更加公平的社会环境、以及更高的整体教育(学习)水平等因素。Carry Zhu强调:“在选择理想工作时,Z世代求职者更看重工作与生活的平衡、舒适的工作环境以及稳定的晋升和职业发展机会。他们希望在工作中得到平等的尊重,并对雇佣他们的公司抱有很高的道德期望。基于这些事实,我们杰艾控股大中华区的团队不断对办公环境进行改变和调整,同时也提倡个人的成长和学习的机会、支持开放的内部沟通和管理方法、建立工作晋升和职业发展机制,并通过这些方式更好地与Z世代员工互动,吸引这个年龄段的候选人。”

Many labour market assessments comment that Gen Z is more values- or purpose-driven and has a stronger orientation toward meaningful achievement in their professional lives. When looking at potential employers and later deciding to remain with a specific company, they factor in issues such as a healthier, more sustainable economy; a fairer social environment; and higher overall education (learning) levels. Carry Zhu highlights, “When choosing their ideal job, Gen Z candidates place greater value on work-life balance, a comfortable working environment, and solid opportunities for promotion and career advancement. They wish to be treated with equal respect in their work and have high ethical expectations of the companies that employee them. Based on these facts, our team at Gi Group Holding China continuously makes changes and adjustments to the office environment. We promote opportunities for growth and learning; support open internal communications and management methods; and put in place job promotion and career advancement mechanisms to engage better with our Gen Z employees and attract candidates from this age cohort.”

为了更好地提高我们作为优秀企业的知名度和声誉,吸引下一代候选人并留住优秀员工,我们将管理层和员工很大一部分的时间和努力投入在了重要的企业社会责任活动中。在中国,我们的团队每年都与政府部门或相关机构合作企业社会责任活动。例如,我们开创了一个名为Giardino的项目,即通过购买新鲜农产品支持当地农民,然后将其作为福利的一部分分发给内部员工。该项目在通过增加销售和促进社会就业来帮助农业部门的社区合作伙伴的同时,还增强了员工对总体企业价值观的认同,提高了工作满意度。其间接的好处是当地人对杰艾控股的雇主品牌形象也有了更高的评价。这就是为什么在今年的最后几个月里,杰艾控股大中华区的团队将继续参与更多面向社区的活动。Tina Wu列举道:“我们正在运行的一些项目,旨在改善团队成员的整体员工体验。比如我们投入了时间和资金对北京、深圳、上海、苏州等多个办公室进行了装修和改造,从而为员工创造更好的办公环境,同时也有助于吸引新的人才。我们与宁波当地政府红十字会合作,为员工举办了救援培训,以提高他们的急救能力,帮助他们做好应对突发情况的准备,从总体上保护自己和他人的生命安全。在公司内部,我们增加了内部培训项目的数量来支持组织发展,并通过获得先进的专业技能进一步提高员工的专业发展。例如RPO(招聘流程外包)培训、BPO(业务流程外包)培训(未来议程)、ITO IT外包)培训和演讲交付培训。我们还提供各种外部培训课程:PRO PAYBACK、高级管理人员培训课程,以及关键业务拓展培训(也在未来议程中)。

Part of our efforts to boost our visibility and reputation as a good corporate citizen, with appealing to next generation candidates and retaining top employees in mind, includes investment of management and employee time in important CSR activities. In China, the Gi Group Holding team collaborates annually with some government departments or relevant institutions. For example, our offices have worked on a project called Giardino where we support local organisations from whom we purchase fresh agricultural products and then distribute them as part of benefit packages to internal employees. While assisting community partners in the agriculture sector through increased sales and by promoting social employment, this programme also enhances employee identification with overarching corporate values and boosts job satisfaction. The indirect benefit here is a higher opinion locally of Gi Group Holding’s employer brand image. That’s why more community-facing activities with Gi Group Holding China involvement will continue into the final months of this year. Tina Wu enumerates, “We are running a number of projects that look to improve the overall employee experience for our team members. We have invested time and funds into the replacement and renovation of several offices, including those in Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Suzhou, etc. This has made for a better office environment for employees while also helping attract new talent. Through collaboration with the local government’s Red Cross Society in Ningbo, we organised training sessions for their rescue workers, improved those workers’ first aid skills, helped them prepare for unexpected future situations, and protected people’s lives in general. Inside the company, we have increased the number of internal training programmes in order to support organisational development and further improve our people’s (employees’) professional development through the acquisition of advanced, specialised skills: such as RPO (recruitment process outsourcing) training, BPO (business process outsourcing) training (on our future agenda), ITO (IT outsourcing) training, and presentation delivery. We also offer various external training courses: PRO PAYBACK, and Executive Training Programme – Advanced Management Programme, and key business expansion training (also on our future agenda).”


As you can see, a lot is going on at Gi Group Holding China when it comes to developing a business with a culture that embodies and reflects our global values. We want to continue in our mission to be a people-first employer and are proud of our local team who is helping make this possible. We will continue in coming years to refine and improve our work experience investments to ensure that we attract and retain the best talent the Chinese market has to offer; a commitment that will also translate to the superior quality services we deliver to our clients.